The Basics of Domino

Domino is a game that involves a lot of strategy. It’s also a great way to teach kids how to count. It is important to keep in mind, however, that the rules of domino vary from place to place. Some games have similar names but have very different, and sometimes even identical, rules. The rules shown on this website are based on the most common rules, but if you are playing a different variation of the game, please follow the rules of that specific game.

The word domino comes from the Latin dominus, which means “lord” or “master.” It is a fitting name for a game of skill and chance, as it encourages players to always think two moves ahead.

A domino is a flat, thumb-sized rectangular block of wood or another material, bearing from one to six spots or pips, and 28 such tiles make up a complete set. The term may be applied to any of several games played with such pieces, either by blocking other players’ play or by laying them down in lines and angular patterns.

Dominoes have a natural inertia. They won’t move unless some outside force acts on them, and the friction generated by their bottoms sliding against each other and against the surface they are standing on produces heat and sound. But a tiny nudge can tip the balance, and the domino begins to fall.

As it does so, the potential energy stored in that first domino is converted into kinetic energy, and the second domino gets pushed over, and then the third, and so on. When all of the dominoes have fallen, they are said to be “dominated.”

The first thing you need to do when setting up a game of domino is to draw all of the hands. The player who draws the first tile places it on the table face up, usually in the middle of the row. Other tiles are placed in the stock until all of the players have drawn their hands, and those in the stock may be bought (see Passing and Byeing below) later in the game.

Before David Brandon became the CEO of Domino’s, it was the company’s policy to listen to employee complaints and address them directly. When Doyle became the CEO, he kept this policy and implemented many changes, such as a relaxed dress code and new leadership training programs, to show that the company valued its employees. This value was extended to its customers, and it paid off in the form of a Top Workplace Award from the Detroit Free Press.